We Were Not Undressing! Putting Some Fun Into Selling

Back when I was growing my original Proforma distributorship, I was teaching one of our newer sales reps how to conduct field calls.

In my view, field calling is a lost skill. Sadly, in this day of email and voicemail, salespeople think they don’t need to get out and do field calls. I strongly disagree (other than in the skyscrapers that have lots of security preventing random field calling). But I digress.

So we were out in the field, grinding out some field calls, and we came upon a law firm named Endress & Endress. As we were walking into this law firm, the sales rep and I looked at each other and had the same idea at the same time.

We approached the receptionist and started taking off our jackets and ties.

She gave us a puzzled look and asked what we were doing. We replied, “We are endressing and endressing.”

Unfortunately, she was not amused. She called security and we were asked to leave the premises. We made our apologies and left.

We honestly thought stunt would be better received. We thought she would have a good chuckle. In any event, we tried to put some levity in our day of field calling.

The bottom line: First, if you aren’t field calling and your sales are under $400,000 per year, let me encourage you to get out there and learn how to field call. It’s a great way to learn about a company. It’s a great way to learn who the decision makers are. It’s a good way to “practice” selling. Remember, a sales rep in motion tends to stay in motion. A sales rep at rest tends to stay at rest.

The bottom, bottom line: Try to have some fun out there. Selling can be fun.

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One Thought to “We Were Not Undressing! Putting Some Fun Into Selling”

  1. Joe Large

    You got kicked out and the receptionist was perturbed. Doesn’t sound like a solid strategy to me. Walk up cold calls, you got the money and success but just seems backward for these times.

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